The Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd (SAAA) has appointed BDO LLP as the external auditor of the council for five years from 2023/24.
AGAR Form 3 2023-24
Bank Reconciliation
Explanation of Significant Variances
AGAR Form 3 (Section1, 2,& 3) 2022/23Internal Auditors Report Explanation for variances greater than 15%Bank ReconciliationNotice for the period for the exercise of public rightsNotice of Conclusion
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 2022-2023.pdf
Notice of conclusion of Audit 2021/22Section 1 Annual Government Statement 2021/22 Section 2 Accounting Statements 2021/22 Section 3 External Auditor Report 2021/22 Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/22 Bank Reconciliation Financial Year 2021/22 Period for the Exercise of Public Rights 2021/22Accounts Financial Year 2021/22
Spend vs Budget Financial Year 2019/20Bank Reconciliation Financial Year 2019/20Accounts Financial Year 2019/20
Audit 2019/20
Please note that an external audit error has led to an exception being included in section 3. PKF Littlejohn have advised that they cannot re-issue the report but have provided a letter to confirm that the report should have been clean. This letter is included as page 2 of the above report.
Audit 2017/18
Spend vs Budget Financial Year 2020/21
Bank Reconciliation Financial Year 2020/21Accounts Financial Year 2020/21
Audit 2020/21